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( 25 cm Scales )

A.W.Faber, Geroldsgruen / Germany                    (1936)

SCALES of the A.W.FABER  »SCHULRECHENSTAB«  Model 51/39/339
Front Side                                        Back Side

A        X2                              0 ...  30 cm Ruler
B        X2
C        X                                            blank
D        X                              0 ... 11 3/4" Ruler

R E M A R K S :          Production Code = 36_7 = July 1936
This historic wooden model has scales on celluloid veneer.
On its back side are the cm- & inch-scales in parallel. The
(simple) cursor can be switched ( there are special tracks
for this purpose ) to read the precise conversions cm/inch.

                   Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN    06/12/10