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FABER-CASTELL   RIETZ   ( 25 cm Scales )
Have a look at an Older Version (A)

A.W.Faber-Castell, Stein bei Nuernberg / Germany      (1971)
                                                 VERSION (B)

S C A L E S  of the  FABER-CASTELL   » RIETZ «  Model 111/87
Front Side         [ inverse / RED ]               Back Side
( 0 ...  27 cm Ruler )

K        X3
A        X2
B        X2                   S      sin(0.1X) ; [cos(0.1X)]
[CI]     [1/X]                ST     arc(0.01X)
C        X                    T      tan(0.1X) ; [cot(0.1X)]
D        X
L        lgX

R E M A R K S :   There are 2 Model 111/87 in the Collection

Newer Version (B)
Production Code = 6 71 = June 1971

named  »111/87 RIETZ« in the inner body.  Its back side is
empty. The scales A,B,C,D have BLACK EXTENSIONS.  The cursor
has a removable spring ( cleaning! ) and has BLACK MARKS
(q, kW, PS / kW, d, PS).  The slide rule is shielded in an
acrylic box and came with an instruction booklet.

Older Version (A)
Production Code = 1 60 = Jan. 1960

named  »111/87 RIETZ« in the inner body. On its back side is
an elaborated TABLE with constants & formulas.  The scales
A,B,C,D have RED EXTENSIONS.  The cursor has a fixed spring
and RED MARKS (q, kW, PS / kW, d, PS).  The slide rule came
in a cardboard case with round edges.

                    Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN    02/26/08