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FABER-CASTELL   ELEKTRO   ( 25 cm Scales )

Have a look at NEWER VERSIONS ...

A.W.Faber-Castell, Stein bei Nuernberg / Germany           (1920)

S C A L E S   of  the   FABER-CASTELL   » ELEKTRO «     Model 378
Front Side        INSIDE  [ RED ]                       Back Side
( 0 ...  27 cm Ruler )

LL2    exp(0.1X)
A      X2
B      X2          Scale-i1             S   sin(0.01X); sin(0.1X)
                                        L   lgX
C      X          [Scale-i2]            T   tan(0.1X)
D      X
LL3    exp(X)

( 0 ... 10" Ruler )

R E M A R K S :                        (  1° = 60' ;   1' = 60" )

S keyed to A/B ;  T keyed to C/D
There are 2 scales INSIDE of the body for calculating ...
   Scale-i1  =  "Degree of EFFECTIVENESS" for DYNAMOs & MOTORs
   Scale-i2  =  "VOLTAGE DROP on Copper Wires"

Model 378                       Production Code = 0_1 = Jan. 1920
Compared with newer versions:  This Model  »378«  is made of  box
wood and has no invers CI-,  no red COS-Scale & black EXTENSIONS.
Instead of the K-Scale is a 10"-Ruler mounted. The V O L T -SCALE
is  D I F F E R E N T  !!!. Physical data on its back side are in
Russian ( worn out and hard to read ). It came in a black damaged
cardboard case - now restored with a home-made cap.

The INSTRUCTION MANUAL (48 pages) can be downloaded from

There are   M O R E   V E R S I O N S   in the collection ...

   Newer Versions       Model 1/98/398
   Production Code = 38_6  = June 1938
   Production Code = 40_2  = Feb. 1940

   Newer Versions  Models 1/98m & 1/98
   Production Code = 49_6  = June 1949
   Production Code = 53_10 = Oct. 1953

   Newer Version          Model 111/98
   Production Code =  561  =  May 1961

There is a CONTRADICTION in the MOT-VOLT-Scales ...

   F.C.378 vs. F.C.1/98/398
                                ... Hwo knows more about this ???

                     Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN       07/08/09