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FABER-CASTELL   D-STAB   ( 25 cm Scales )
Have a look at an Older Version (A)

A.W.Faber-Castell, Stein bei Nuernberg / Germany        (1975)
                   Made in Switzerland            VERSION (B2)

S C A L E S  of  the   FABER-CASTELL   »D-STAB«    Model 52/82
Front Side           [ inverse / RED ]               Back Side

L        lgX                 T1        tan(0.1X) ; [cot(0.1X)]
K        X3                  T2        tan(X) ; [cot(X)]
A        X2                  DF        πX
B        X2                  CF        πX
[BI]     [1/X2]              [CIF]     [1/πX]
[CI]     1/X                 S'        sin(0.1X) ; [cos(0.1X)]
C        X                   C         X
D        X                   D         X
LL1      exp(0.01X)          S         sin(0.1X) ; [cos(0.1X)]
LL2      exp(0.1X)           ST        arc(0.01X)
LL3      exp(X)              [P]       [sqrt(1 - (0.1X)2)]

R E M A R K S :      There are 4 Model 52/82 in the Collection
                   3 Newer Versions called  » CASTELL D-STAB «

Version (B2s) "Made in Switzerland"
Production Code  =  5 75 = May 1975

This slide rule came in a green/beige plastic case in a box
together with an instruction booklet.

Version (B2g)     "Made in Germany"
Production Code  =  5 75 = May 1975

This slide rule came in a green/beige plastic case in a box
together w. a booklet + sheet "Symbole aus der Mengenlehre"

Version (B1)               NOT SHOWN
Production Code = 4(?)3 = April 1973

This slide rule came in a grey plastic case. The scales are
the same as the  » SCHUL-D-STAB « ,  Version (A2)

Front:   L, K, A  /  B, [CI], C  /  D, LL1, LL2, LL3
Back:    T1, T2, DF  /  CF, [CIF], [CI], C  /  D, S, ST, [P]

                     2 Older Versions called  » SCHUL-D-STAB «

The  » SCHUL-D-STAB «  with the same model number  » 52/82 «
came in 2 Versions with DIFFERENT SLIDER SCALES ...

                  Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN     03/04/08