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HEMMI  POCKET - DARMSTADT  ( 12.5 cm Scales )

HEMMI SLIDE RULE CO. LTD., Tokyo / Japan                      (1961)

SCALES of the Bamboo-Based  HEMMI  POCKET-DARMSTADT    Model » 135 «
Front Side                [ inverse / RED ]                Back Side

T; [T]     tan(0.1X); [tan(X)]
K          X3
A          X2
B          X2                           L          lgX
                                        LL1        exp(0.01X)
[CI]       [1/X]                        LL2        exp(0.1X)
C          X                            LL3        exp(X)
D          X 
P          sqrt(1 - (0.1X)2)
S          sin(0.1X); [cos(0.1X)]

R E M A R K S :
ATTENTION:   Scale  [tan(X)]  refers to the reciprocal  [CI]  scale.

The 3-HairLine-Cursor shows the  Diameter-Area-Relation  on Scales X
and X2 with its two right hairlines; the  kW-PS-Relation  on Scale X
with its left & right hairline.

This SR came in a brown leather case.  It is made of  bamboo with an
aluminum base. Ref. to the print on the back side this Pocket-SR was
a gift from a  » UVA «  company. 

HEMMI introduced a year code, starts with  1950 = "A" ...   and the
month code starts with  January = "A" ...
This slide rule has the code "LG", means it is made in July 1961.

                      Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN         07/27/12