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( 9" / 23 cm Diameter )

|                      !!!  T H A N K S  !!!                      |
|        This Circular Slide Rule  » ISOTOPE CALCULATOR «         |
|   came as a DONATION of the  HMI / HZB / BER-II / Dr. D.Alber   |
|      to the  » ON-LINE MUSEUM « / BEUTH HOCHSCHULE BERLIN       |

HARWELL ISOTOPE DIVISION, Harwell, Berkshire / England       (1958)
Atomic Energy Research Establishment  /  UK Atomic Energy Authority
S C A L E S    o f    t h e    I S O T O P E    C A L C U L A T O R
by W.S. EASTWOOD                                       AERE I/R 333

Outer Circle:        Time   ( Hours .. Days .. Years )
                     Grows Factor   ( 0.001  ..  1.0 = Saturation )
                     Specific Activity   ( 1 μC  ..  1 C )
                     Barns   ( 0.0001  ..  100 )
                     Atomic Weight   ( 1  ..  300 )
Inner Circle: -----------------------------------------------------
                     Flux   ( 10^9  ..  10^14 )

R E M A R K S :
"MouseOver" the cursor in the picture to get a detailed view ...

The Report  describes the  Isotope Calculator / Circular Slide Rule
developed for  estimating the activity  induced in  isotopes under
neutron bombardment:


© C.HAMANN        03/08/11