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( 12.5 cm Scales )

LOGAREX POCKET        Ceske Budejovice / Czechoslovakia  (1966)

S C A L E S   of  the   L O G A R E X   P O C K E T   » 27203 «
Front Side                                            Back Side
( 0 ...  12.5 cm Ruler )

P         sqrt(1 - (0.1X)2)
K         X3
A         X2
B         X2                                LL1      exp(0.01X)
L         lgX                               LL2      exp(0.1X)
CI        1/X
C         X                                 LL3      exp(X)
D         X
S         sin(0.1X)
T         tan(0.1X)

                                                 ( 1:25 Ruler )
R E M A R K S :
This Pocket-SR is made of plastic.  It came in a  brown leather
case with missing cursor. The CURSOR is now home-made out of an
OH-Sheet  piece, bent over an aluminum kernel.  The hairline is
made with an  »X-ACTO«  and colored with a marker ...


                     Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN      10/03/13