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( 25 cm Scales )

VEB MANTISSA, Dresden / (GDR) Germany                        (1982)

S C A L E S   of the   M A N T I S S A  » MONO-RIETZ «   Nr.1731541
                                                 ( one-sided only )
   L         lgX
   K         X3
   A         X2
   B         X2
   CI        1/X
   C         X
   D         X
   S         sin(0.1X)
   T         tan(0.1X)
   ST        arc(0.01X)

R E M A R K S :                                         VERSION (B)
The slide rule came in a grey cardboard case with an instruction.

Found later the same SR with a RED [CI]=[1/X] SCALE ... VERSION (A)
... like the  M E I S S N E R  » MONO-RIETZ «   Nr.1731541

The BROKEN CURSOR was repaired with an U-Shaped-Plastic-Profile;
and the LOST SPRING was made out of Fish-Can-Sheet-Metal ...


                        Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN        01/09/15