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NESTLER   Model - 1   ( 25 cm Scales )

Albert Nestler, Lahr in Baden / Germany                    (1900)

S C A L E S   o f   t h e   N E S T L E R           M O D E L - 1
                                               ( one-sided only )
     A        X2
     B        X2
     C        X
     D        X

R E M A R K S :

The scales of this historic  beechwood  »Model-1«  are printed on
white paint.  There is no reciprocal scale.  On the back side are
tables with physical constants. It came in a black cardboard case
with the  I N S C R I P T I O N :

    Sophus Jessen / Berlin-Lichterfelde / Duererstrasse 25

                     Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN       05/26/11