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NESTLER   Model - 3   ( 25 cm Scales )

Albert Nestler, Lahr in Baden / Germany                  (1900)

S C A L E S   o f   t h e   N E S T L E R         M O D E L - 3
Front Side                                            Back Side
                                         ( 0 ...  27 cm Ruler )

A        X2
B        X2
C        X
D        X
                                           ( 0 ...  10" Ruler )
R E M A R K S :
This model is made of mahogany with scales on celluloid veneer.
There is no reciprocal scale. In the book "Slide Rules"  Dieter
v.Jezierski  mentioned, that in the beginning this SR was sold
without a cursor - but his  One-Hairline-Cursor  is an original
»Nestler« . The SR came in a black cardboard case.

In 2014 NESTLER's  MODEL 2 was a gift to the On-Line Museum ...

Body and scales are the same - except MARKS "Q+1" & "P-1"  left
and right of the D-Scale - and the CURSOR is of simple plastic.

                    Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN      04/14/14