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( 5" / 12.5 cm Scales )

FREDERICK  P O S T  CO., Chicago, Illinois / USA              (1965)
                                              made by  HEMMI / Japan

S C A L E S   of the  POST   » VERSALOG «  Bamboo-Based   Model 1461
Front Side             [ inverse / RED or GREEN ]          Back Side

[LL1]   exp(-X<-0.01 .. -0.1 >)     LL0     exp(X<0.001 .. 0.01>)
[LL2]   exp(-X<-0.1 ..  -1.0 >)     [LL0]   exp(-X<-0.001 .. -0.01>)
[LL3]   exp(-X<-1.0 .. -10.0 >)     K       X3
                                    DF      πX
T       tan(0.1X) ; [cot(0.1X)]     CF      πX
ST      arc(0.1X) ; [sec(0.1X)]     [CIF]   [1/πX]
S       sin(0.1X) ; [cos(0.1X)]     [CI]    [1/X]
C       X                           C       X
D       X                           D       X
LL3     exp(X<1.0 .. 10.0>)         R1      sqrt(X< ODD-No-Digits>)
LL2     exp(X<0.1  .. 1.0>)         R2      sqrt(X<EVEN-No-Digits>)
LL1     exp(X<0.01 .. 0.1>)         L       lgX

This scale design is referred in the literature as  » VERSALOG (I) «

HEMMI introduced a year code, starts with  1950 = "A" ... 
and the month code starts with  Jan. = "A" ...  This slide
rule has the code "PC", means it is made in March 1965.

Historical Remarks to POST ...
Historical Remarks to HEMMI ...

Originaly this pocket slide rule came in a leather case with a clip.
The clip was missing and was replaced with a home-made bronze one.
One cursor glass was broken und replaced by PVC - The hairline is
made with an  » X-ACTO «  and colored with a permanent red marker.

© C.HAMANN         03/23/07