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UNIS  POCKET  MANNHEIM  ( 5" / 12.5 cm Scales )

UNIS, Berville_Paris / France                         (1920)

S C A L E S   OF   THE        P O C K E T    M A N N H E I M 
                                          ( one-sided only )
( 0 ... 5" Ruler )

   A            X2
   B            X2
   C            X
   D            X
                                       ( 0 ... 13 cm Ruler )

R E M A R K S :                                 BTE S.G.D.G.
         Under the UNIS-LOGO are NUMBERS  ??/19 (left/right)
This Pocket-SR is made of Celluloid.  The color is aged  and
the body  s h r u n k e n - The Rulers are not longer acurat
(The 13 cm Ruler on its back side is only 128 mm long).   It
came in a dark-brown leather case.

                   Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN    07/22/10