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With plastic wheels the machine was as   » AS7 «   on the market.

W*D*H = 6" * 7" * 5_1/2"  ;                       5 lbs = 2.3 kg
      = 15 cm * 17.5 cm * 14 cm

The input wheels ( made of metal ) are operated  by fingers.  To
clear the arithmetic unit,  the crank has to be pushed first and
than turned clockwise.  Lever  »A« / »S«  switch  from  ADDITION
to SUBTRACTION mode.  Clearing in »A« mode only!

Made by Heinrich Holz, Oberbilstein, Germany               (1960)

With plastic wheels, the machine was as  » AS7 «  on the market

R E M A R K :  Hard to work with because  B A D   M E C H A N I C
»REGINA-7« came with BROKEN(!)INPUT-GEAR on Position #1 ...
1st Aid: EXCHANGED with the gear of Position #7  ... 2nd Thought:
Because "bad mechanic", there was no efford for 3D-Printing made.
Instead: More teeth broken out of Pos.#7 to free the gear for #6.
Gear #7 is now "for show only":  It is fixed with wires on floor.

© C.HAMANN       03/08/20