Error in .NET

Programs with the same structure behave differently in C# and in C++.

Event handlers of the class System.Windows.Forms.Form are polymorph in C# and non-polymorph in C++.


// Error.cs

// Two form classes: SecondForm is derived from FirstForm and it overrides the MouseDownHandler

using System.Windows.Forms;

public class FirstForm: Form


      public FirstForm()

      { // hang in MouseDown-handler:

            this.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.MouseDownHandler);


      protected virtual void MouseDownHandler(object source, MouseEventArgs e)


            MessageBox.Show("First Form", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK);




public class SecondForm: FirstForm


      protected override void MouseDownHandler(object source, MouseEventArgs e)


            MessageBox.Show("Second Form", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK);


      public static void Main(string[] kzp)


            System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(new SecondForm());



Mouse click on the form produces the message “Second Form” (as expected).

The same program in C++:

// Error.cpp

#using <mscorlib.dll>

#using <System.DLL>

#using <System.Windows.Forms.DLL>


// First form class

using namespace System::Windows::Forms;


__gc class FirstForm: public System::Windows::Forms::Form





      virtual void MouseDownHandler(Object* s, MouseEventArgs* e);



// First form methods



      this -> MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this, MouseDownHandler);


void FirstForm::MouseDownHandler(Object* s, MouseEventArgs* e)


      MessageBox::Show("First Form", "", MessageBoxButtons::OK);



// Second form class

__gc class SecondForm: public FirstForm



      virtual void MouseDownHandler(Object* s, MouseEventArgs* e);



// First form method

void SecondForm::MouseDownHandler(Object* s, MouseEventArgs* e)


      MessageBox::Show("Second Form", "", MessageBoxButtons::OK);



// main starts SecondForm

void main()


      Application::Run(new SecondForm());


Mouse click on the form produces the message “First Form” (in contrary to the C# version).


The reason for the difference is:

Workaround: call another virtual method in the C++-handler – this one should be overwritten. MouseDownHandler does not have to be necessarily virtual:

// Workaround.cpp

#using <mscorlib.dll>

#using <System.DLL>

#using <System.Windows.Forms.DLL>


// First form class

using namespace System::Windows::Forms;


__gc class FirstForm: public System::Windows::Forms::Form





      void MouseDownHandler(Object* s, MouseEventArgs* e); // not virtual anymore

      virtual void AnotherMethod(Object* s, MouseEventArgs* e); // virtual



// First form methods



            this -> MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this, MouseDownHandler);


void FirstForm::MouseDownHandler(Object* s, MouseEventArgs* e)


      AnotherMethod(s, e); // call virtual method


void FirstForm::AnotherMethod(Object* s, MouseEventArgs* e)


      MessageBox::Show("First Form", "", MessageBoxButtons::OK); // event handler



// Second form class

__gc class SecondForm: public FirstForm



      virtual void AnotherMethod(Object* s, MouseEventArgs* e); // overwrite 



// First form method

void SecondForm::AnotherMethod(Object* s, MouseEventArgs* e)


      MessageBox::Show("Second Form", "", MessageBoxButtons::OK); // event handler


// main starts SecondForm

void main()


      Application::Run(new SecondForm());



Mouse click on the form produces the message “Second Form” (as expected, as in C#).


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