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MULTIMETER    »  E X A C T A  «    Model 1-20    by   H.G.L.   (1970's)
In '60s was an "ULTRON-Family" of MULTIMETERs on the market: The Japan-
made instrument was sold by many companies /LOGOs w. minor differences.
The »ULTRON« became very popular in Germany, because its recommendation
from KOSMOS as addition to their  Experimental "RADIO+ELEKTRONIK" Kits.

The   » E X A C T A «   has the same housing as the  » ULTRON UM201E «
but less ( & different ) DC & AC Ranges.              (* see below ...)
Dimension ( W-D-H ) 85 mm x 118 mm x 28 mm  /  3_3/8" x 4_5/8" x 1_1/8"

20 kΩ / Volt ( DC & AC )          2 Jewels           < Ri(I) = 4.5 kΩ >

   10 V / 50 V / 250 V / 1000 V ;    50 μA / 250 mA   DC Ranges
   10 V / 50 V / 250 V / 1000 V                       AC Ranges

    0 Ω  ...  60 kΩ  /  6 MΩ   with  1.5 V  »AA«  Battery

- 20 dB  ...  +22 dB  ( Output Measurements, see Manual )

R E M A R K S   &   R E S T O R A T I O N
A friend ask me for help  and  repair.  He found this instrument on its
WASTE CONTAINER: It came in its original red box with instruction sheet
and its old bill from 1973 ( ATZERT RADIO, BERLIN = 38 DM ) - But there
was NO TEST CABLE SET included! A quick investigation showed: DCV & AMP
worked. But ACV showed only the HALF VALUE.  Decision was made:  "It is
worth to repair!" ... 
    was defect and had to be
    Home-made with 4 DIODES
    eg. OA-95

2nd Problem:  The LOWER OHM-RANGE was dead. A RESISTOR was burned out.
With trial-and-error we found the replacement value of 270 Ω ...


... Next Problem: No common plug fits into its sockets - We had to make
our own, out of ( sand-down until fitting ) copper-wires - Weeks later
we found the right probes on a FleaMarket tour ...


For expanding the AMP(DC)Ranges of the »EXACTA« ( eg. 5 / 50 / 500 mA )
have a look at the ...

     S+H_LAB_AMP_METER  &  Multimeter "Recycle-Project"

... how to build a  3-SHUNT-BLOCK  ...

         SELECTOR  |  SHUNT  |    RANGE
           50 μA   |   50 Ω  |  0 ..   5 mA
                   |    5 Ω  |  0 ..  50 mA
          250 mA   |    6 Ω  |  0 .. 500 mA


Have a look at the  N E X T  VERSION:


After a year my friend bought a Digital MM and the »EXACTA« became mine
                                                (* see above)
on this type multimeter:
I had the »ULTRON« Model
in my youth and bought
it because its CLEVER

Observe the DIFFERENCES!

1st I changed the
» OHMS ADJ « wiring,
because it was
in my opinion the

- HA! -
The »EXACTA« has the
same "wrong" behaviour:
Must be changed too ...
Have a Look at the Wire Diagram of the » ULTRON UM-201 E «
Have a Look at another "Family Member", the MONARCH » MT-202M «
My  »ULTRON«  ( recommend by KOSMOS ) was good as a "Hobby Instrument". 
My 2nd MultiMeter was "THE-BEST-VALUE" in the '70s, the precise Class 1
                                                      » CHINAGLIA « ...
© C.HAMANN          12/17/16