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    Original Design - except for the "(self-made) Positioning Scale" 
        on the right of the pulled out Arithmetic-Register (III)
                                       Have a look inside ...

TECHNICAL DATA   of the   Electro-Mechanical  Calculator    BRUNSVIGA-11E

Serial-Number:       11-26128

Dimensions:   (ca.)  Width   =  8_1/4"
                     Depth   =  9    "
                     Height  =  4_1/2"

Weight:       (ca.)  12 lbs

Power Supply:        220 V / 60 W  (grounded, AC / DC )

Mechanics:           Split-Stepped Drum

Functions:           Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide

Registers:           Input       =   7 Decimals
                     Counter     =   6 Decimals
                     Arithmetic  =  11 Decimals
                     O L Y M P I A - Werke AG
                     - BRUNSVIGA-Werke -
                     West Germany


KEYS (I), (II), (III) CLEAR the appropriate registers.

After clearing the counter (II), a white mark shows its neutral state.
It depends of the 1st turn of the Split-Stepped Drum what happens: When
(for addition) the 1st turn is clockwise, the counter shows white figures;
when (for subtraction) the 1st turn is counter-clockwise, the counter
shows red figures.  In both cases the counter will work with 10s-carry
and allows "Shortened Method of Multiplication".

The arithmetic unit (III) can be pulled to the right a maximum of 6
positions. The position of the unit is displayed by a white-red MARK
in counter (II). The ARROW-key (<-) moves the arithmetic unit left.

The TOGGLE lever accepts 3 positions:

    +/-  =  Input register (I) is CLEARED after each ADD/SUB cycle.
      x  =  Input register (I) is NOT CLEARED after each ADD/SUB cycle.
            For MULTIPLICATION, please refer to section MULTIPLY.
      :  =  DIVISION (Please refer to section DIVIDE)


      +  =  Add              Addend + Addend = Sum
      -  =  Subtract         Minuend - Subtrahend = Difference
      x  =  Multiply         Multiplicand x Multiplicator = Product
      :  =  Divide           Dividend : Divisor = Quotient

Prior to each task the 3 REGISTERS (I), (II), (III) have to be CLEARED.
Register (III) should be at POSITION 1.

Example:    123 + 45 - 6  =  162

ADD: Enter the first number (123) in the far right of register (I).
Press the PLUS-key (+) to transfer the input (I) into arithmetic unit
(III). The counting unit (II) displays the figure 1. Enter the second
number (45) into register (I). Press the PLUS key (+) to add the number.
The arithmetic unit (III) displays the intermediate sum (168) and the
counting unit (II) displays the figure 2.

SUBTRACT: Enter the third number (6) into register (I) and press the
MINUS-key (-). The arithmetic unit (III) displays the result (162) and
the counting unit (II) is decreased by 1.

REMARK:     NEGATIVE RESULTS are displayed in the arithmetic unit (III)
            as the COMPLEMENT of the next higher 10, 100, 1000, ...

            Example:   -12  =  99...9988

Example:    123 x 45  =  5535

Clear registers (I), (II), (III). Set toggle lever to multiply (x).

Enter the multiplicand (123) in the far right of register (I). The
multiplicator (45) has two digits, so the arithmetic unit (III) is pulled
out to position 2. Repeat pressing the PLUS-key (+), until the first
figure of multiplicator (4) will appear in the 2nd position of counter
(II). Move the arithmetic unit (III) with the ARROW-key (<-) to position
1. Repeat pressing the PLUS-key (+) until the second figure of the 
multiplicator (5) appears in the 1st position of counter (II). The multi-
plication is done: The multiplicand (123) stays in register (I), the
multiplicator (45) is in counter (II) and the result (5535) is in the
arithmetic unit (III).

Example:    22 : 7  =  3.14285  Remainder 5

Division requires 3 steps:

(A) To Set the Dividend into Arithmetic Unit (III):
    For the maximum number of decimals, pull out the arithmetic unit
    (III) to position 6. The toggle lever is either at (+/-) or (x).
    Enter the dividend (22) in the far right of register (I). Press the
    PLUS-key (+) to transfer into register (III).

(B) To Set the Divisor into Register (I):
    Clear the counter (II) with key (II). Set toggle lever to divide (:).
    Enter the divisor (7) into register (I) below the dividend (22).

(C) To Divide:
    Press the MINUS-key (-) and the machine will calculate one decimal
    and move the arithmetic unit (III) one step to the left. Repeat
    pressing the MINUS-key (-), until the required number of decimals
    are calculated...

    The result (3.14285) can be seen at counter (II) in RED, and the
    remainder (5) is in the arithmetic unit (III). The divisor (7) is
    in register (I), therefore an additional decimal can be estimated...
    ( 7, cause 7 x 7 = 49 ).

                     Have a look at "Calculating Trickies" ...
© C.HAMANN           04/15/07