... out of RECYCLED Li-Ion-Batteries

R E M A R K S :
We have in our PST-LAB a BOX     ==>> BATTERIES FOR RECYCLE <<==
Over time there are to find a lot of "dead" Laptop-Power-Packs.
Curious, I started to open these Power-Packs and found out, that in
most cases only ONE or TWO Li-Ion-CELLS are DEAD, the REST IS OK !!!
I took the GOOD ONES out and build versatile "TEA-POWER-PACKS" ...

3 + 4 = 7 Li-Ion-Cells fit in this Tea-Box. The left 3 and the right 4
cells are connected serial and both units can be used independent.

!!! Every cell is to test and to charge individually !!!

If a +/- Power is needed, than connect BOTH BLACK Plugs as "Zero".
If the MAX-Power is needed, connect LEFT-BLACK with the GREEN Plug.

3 + 3 = 6 Li-Ion-Cells fit in that Tea-Box. The upper 3 and the lower 3
cells are connected serial and both units can be used independent.

I used two of recycled Li-Ion-Cells to build an ...

6 + 6 = 12 Li-Ion-Cells "made-to-fit" in this Experimental-Box ...

© C.HAMANN        http://public.BHT-Berlin.de/hamann          04/02/20