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FABER-CASTELL   » COLUMBUS   Model  342   «
( Slide Rule Lenght = 38 cm / Folded Scales Lenght = 50 cm )

A.W.Faber-Castell, Stein bei Nuernberg / Germany                  (1924)

SCALES of the FABER-CASTELL  » COLUMBUS / System A.Rohrberg «  Model 342
Front Side                                                     Back Side
( 0 ...  37 cm Ruler )

(W2)   sqrt(10X)         8 .. 9 .. 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 3.6
(W2')  sqrt(10X)     8 .. 9 .. 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 3.6
(WI2') 1/sqrt(10X)      4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1         Shilling (s/£) Pound
                                                       Conversion Scales
(WI1') 1/sqrt(X)        1.2 .. 10  ...  3.2            Penny (d/£) Pound
(W1')  sqrt(X)       2.5  ...  8  ...  10 .. 11
(W1)   sqrt(X)          2.5  ...  8  ...  10 .. 11

REMARKS:  Before Start the Slider has to be moved about 3cm to the right
               To use the Conversion-Scales, the slider has to be turned

This oversized  »MERCHANT«  is good for all other professions too,
because it is a  PRECISION SLIDE RULE.  On its back are conversion
tables.  Its scales on celluloid veneer are unusually arranged ...

Compare the SCALE DESIGN  ( see sketch )  with
    the »WICHMANN-1417« ( made by A.N. = Albert Nestler),
    the POST-1442 » Dual 10"/5" POCKET-SR « and
    the "modern" FABER-CASTELL »NOVO-DUPLEX«

Historical Remarks ...

Fortunately this is the rare EBONY version of the »342«.  Unfortunately
it was found in a flea-market in bad shape without cursor.  The CURSOR
is now home-made of aluminum with a window of PVC from a CD case.  The
hairline is made with a »X-ACTO« and colored with a marker. "MouseOver"
the cursor in the picture to get a DETAILED VIEW in a POP-UP window.

                                      Production Code = 4_2 = Feb. 1924
© C.HAMANN          02/28/10