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( 25 cm with 50 cm Scales W1/W1' & W2/W2' )

Have a Look at the   POCKET NOVO-DUPLEX

A.W.Faber-Castell, Stein bei Nuernberg / Germany      (1974)

S C A L E S  of the  FABER-CASTELL »NOVO-DUPLEX« Model 2/83N
Front Side            [ inverse / RED ]            Back Side

T1     tan(0.1X) ; [cot(0.1X)]       [LL03]   [exp(-X)]
T2     tan(X) ; [cot(X)]             [LL02]   [exp(-0.1X)]
K      X3                            [LL01]   [exp(-0.01X)]
A      X2                            [LL00]   [exp(-0.001X)]
DF     πX                            W2       sqrt(10X)
CF     πX                            W2'      sqrt(10X)
B      X2                            [CI]     [10/X]
[CIF]  [10/πX]                       L        lg(X)/2
[CI]   [10/X]                        C        X
C      X                             W1'      sqrt(X)
D      X                             W1       sqrt(X)
[DI]   [10/X]                        D        X
S      sin(0.1X) ; [cos(0.1X)]       LL0      exp(0.001X)
ST     arc(0.01X)                    LL1      exp(0.01X)
[P]    [sqrt(1 - (0.1X)2)]           LL2      exp(0.1X)
                                     LL3      exp(X)

R E M A R K S :          Production Code = 3 74 = March 1974
Because the scales W1/W1' start at 1 and end at sqrt(10)
    and the scales W2/W2' start at sqrt(10) and end at 10
the 25 cm NOVO-DUPLEX has the PRECISION of a 50 cm SlideRule

The slide rules is shielded in an acrylic box.  A ruler with
physical constants and conversion factors belongs to the set
together with an instruction booklet.

Historical Remarks ...

Compare the SCALE DESIGN with
    the »WICHMANN-1417« ( made by A.N. = Albert Nestler),
    the POST-1442 » Dual 10"/5" POCKET-SR « and

© C.HAMANN    12/27/07