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Have a look at the NEWER VERSION ...

Have a look at the Restoration Procedure...

W*D*H = 8_1/4" * 8_1/4" * 3_1/2"       Weight (ca.) = 6 lbs = 2.7 kg
      = 21 cm * 21 cm * 9 cm                            SN  =  11182
T H A L E S - W E R K       Rastatt / Baden      Germany      (1955)

                   Historical Remarks ...

HOW  TO    A D D   &   S U B T R A C T    with  this   THALES   »KA«
Turning down the  RIGHT WHEEL  on front clears the  ARITHMETIC UNIT.
Turning the TOP WHEEL in the same direction clears the COUNTER UNIT.
Pressing the big SILVER KEY clears the  INPUT UNIT.  The right LEVER
ON TOP  should be switched  backward  by default.  The  LEVER  right
beside the keyboard should be  switched  foreward to [+] by default.

When an INPUT-KEY, ( eg. [7] ) is pressed,  the  whole column  below
[6] ... [1]  switches too!  Under the KEYBOARD  this column  forms a
BAR with  ( eg. 7 ) TEETH.  Pressing the  MAIN LEVER  down,  let the
arithmetic unit  SLIDE UNDER THE KEYBOARD  to add the input value to
the content of the arithmetic unit - On its END-POINT the COUNTER is
adding 1 - Releasing  the main lever  let the arithmetic unit  slide
back to front  and shows the actual content in its DISPLAY WINDOWS -
The input unit will be cleared automaticaly.

For  REPEATED INPUT VALUES, the LEVER ON TOP  has to be set to [R] -
the keyboard will  not be cleared after operation.  For  SUBTRACTION
the LEVER RIGHT BESIDE THE KEYBOARD has to be set to [-]  before the
MAIN LEVER is pulled down. The main lever can also be mounted right.

The content of the RED STICKER reads:
       » Check den Neuen / Audi 100 GL / SKETCH / 23.10. - 6.11.71 «

© C.HAMANN        06/08/10