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                    » ZBSA24 «                    
(= ZentralBatterie- / SelbstAnschluss-Betrieb )

SnapShots of the RESTORATION ...

»ZBSA24«  DIAL-PHONE  Siemens & Halske, Berlin / Germany        (1924)
TEXT adapted from WIKIPEDIA:

The DeskTop ZB/SA_24
(= Zentralbatterie-Betrieb/Selbstanschluss-Betrieb, Modell 24 )
(~ Central-Battery- / Self-Connecting-Operation )

was developed by Siemens & Halske in 1924 under the code-name "W24"
for the Deutsche Reichspost resp. Reichstelegraphenverwaltung (RTV)
as the new standard telephone. From 1924 on was "Wxx" the code-name
for all Dial-Telephones by Deutsche Post. It's forerunner was the
ZB/SA_19 introduced shortly after WWI and similar-shaped but a little
bigger, the "W19". In general: "ZB/SA" means, that the telephone gets
it's power for its microphone from a central-battery over telephone-
net. In contrary: "Local-Battery-Telephones" had a build-in battery
and had to crank a generator to initialize the operator-connection.
With the new DIALER the telephone was equiped to reach other customers
without interferance of a human "operator". But self-dialing was only
possible in the local net. Long-distances had to be done with the help
of an "Operator" to "plug" the connection. Because of economic crises
and wars, the extention of a self-dialing-net was delayed in Germany.
The last hand-operated "Orts-Vermittlungsstelle" in West-Germany was
dismantled in 1966. Later (1998 after Unification) in East-Germany too.

      The PLAQUE on the BOTTOM reads:         |   ZBSA24   |  [*]
                                              |    21021   |
                                              |     KTD    |
                                              |  No.19378  |
R E M A R K S :
The  DIALER  is blocked, when the handset is placed back.
There are "PULSE-TO-TONE-CONVERTER" on the market to use "OldTimer" on
modern (e.g. VOIP-) Telephone-Lines. I found the » DIALGIZMO « useful,
because also key-commands [*] / [#] for automatic menue-guided systems
can be sent !!!

      SnapShots of RESTAURATION ...

              Compare »ANTIQUE«-Model / =R=F=T= / GDR (~ W19 ) ...

                        Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN          04/19/20