The calculator came dirty, rusty, damaged & with an
electrical "ShortCut" due to detoriated insulations ...

... Picture taken after 5 hours of "First Aid" Maintenance - "WOW!"
PASSING the ( 7037037037 * X ) TEST - But there is a lot of work ahead!

(1st) Replace the BROKEN SIDES of the carriage ...

... Made TEMPLATES and the NEW SIDES out of PVC sheets ...

(2nd) BOTTOM ( seen rear/down - hole for 110/220 V switch )
The rubber of the SHOCK-ABSORBERS, ROLLER and FEET was
decayed and the old "quick-fix" (right) was broken ...

New solid metal constructions were made ...

( look inside ... outside look )

... and again: FEET made from TUB STOPPERS !

(3rd) Got rid of the inner RUST by rubbing paper-towel
pieces, soaked with WD-40, on the levers & surfaces.

Now the assembled calculator is back to life ...

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Have a look at a HOME-MADE  A N G L E  POWER PLUG ...
© C.HAMANN              02/11/11