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TELEPHONES   Model » W48 « (= black)  &  Model » 611-2 « (= green)
                            Deutsche Post / Germany  (1948 & 1963)

My own old telephones are here  connected via  » KINDER-FON-BOX «
and have enjoyed generations of kids: When one phone is picked-up
and dialed, the other is ringing. With the "LINE MEN's TELEPHONE"
(= TEST-Telephone / ELMEG/Post) the talk "is to spy" ...

The WIRE-DIAGRAMS of the  »W48« ,  »W611«  & TEST- Telephones ...



In this old times telephones were rented from DEUTSCHE POST. The
light-weight & handy »W611« was the follower of the heavy »W48«.
As "GRAY MOUSE" it was wellcomed in exchange to the »W48«: Easy
to move around with a longer cable (also rented for extra fee !)


      Have a look inside the "Gray Mouse" / »W611« ...

Have a look at the OLDER »W28«/»SA28« w. Wire Diagram ...


See below the electrical diagram of THE BOX ...


        Have a look at a MODERN TEST TELEPHON

R E M A R K :
These vintage ROTARY TELEPHONES use "PULSE-DIALING". To make it work
in your application, YOU MAY NEED A  "PULSE-TO-TONE-CONVERTER"...


                      Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN         12/13/14